Awesome truck. Got it for an extremely low price five years ago. Has lasted 13 years of Wisconsin winters and only has a bit of rust under the passenger side door, which is quite an accomplishment. Made it to Colorado and back, and almost kept up with the Wranglers on the Jeep trails. Starts every time I need it to, no matter the temperature. Two weeks ago, -17, -15, -27, -2, and -19, and it started each morning. Little things have been going wrong, 4X4 light doesn't come on (but 4X4 stills works), cigarette lighter is busted, parking brake cable needs a replacement, and AC is out, but that is to be expected with a old truck. All in all, my next vehicle will be a Dakota.
Favorite Features
Power, reliability, extremely well built
Suggested Improvements
Turning radius is a joke, cup holders are in a bad spot, acceleration is lacking above 50 MPH